Payment via payment medium workbench is very common these days in SAP. Along with payment medium files other documents get generated such as payment summary, error list.
Payment summary list could consist different columns as per business requirement which can be changed by changing the layout. This document explains how the layout can be changed and same layout can be used again even payment summary is generated as spool.
To change the layout of payments summary we need to create the layout. Layout can be created with below steps (these steps need to be performed as one time)
Use Transaction code: FBPM
Provide the run ID, date, payment Medium format etc. Select the ‘screen output’ check box then execute.
Click on layout button as shown in above screen shot.
Based on requirement field could be moved.
For example IBAN field is added in the end in above screen.
Now click on save layout button.
Provide the layout name starting with ‘/’. Remove the user specific check box otherwise it can be used by specific user only. Then click on save.
Created layout can be added to payment medium variant so that layout can be used again.
Transaction code: OBPM4
Provide the variant name “Test” is provided in the above screen and press enter.
Select the options as per business and provide the payment summary layout and save.
Payment medium variant setting helps to use layout again and again without manual intervention even spool can be generated for the same layout while running APP with payment medium payment method.