When entering the parameters to run F110, you receive error 'Company code XXXX is already contained in another group - F0016'. System may be returning this error due to one of the reasons below:
- You added two lines with the same company code.
As there is a limit of 10 payment methods per company code per payment run that can be entered in the payment parameters, if you try to enter another line with the same company code and different payment method you will get the error message.
- There is a bug in the system.
SAP Note ‘2056384 - Error message F0016 displayed while saving parameters, which is incorrect’ was released to correct this error in several releases when it is returned incorrectly. After implementing the note, the error will be fixed for payment runs created after the note implementation. In this case, you should create a new example (F110 run after the note implementation).
- The problem is not the payment method, but the field 'next payment run date'.
This field is used to check if the item should be paid in this run or if it can be paid in the next run, this field is independent from the payment method, so having 2 different payment run date how the system would know which one is valid?
- You changed the order of the company code entered in parameters.
Please check KBA 2196460.