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Accounting Editing Options - Document entry - Part -1


Accounting Editing Options




‘Accounting Editing Option’ functionality simplify user to maintain those parameters which user need not to set again and again for the SAP screens in order to post/display the documents. User can modify Accounting Editing Option settings at any time as per their requirement and this functionality helps to save the time as user don’t need to change setting again and again.

There are seven different tabs for this option but this document covers only document entry options.

Here we go:

Menu Path

Use the following menu path in order to access for this transaction:

SAP Menu ==> Accounting ==> Financial Accounting ==> General Ledger ==> Environment ==> User Parameters ==> Editing Options

Transaction Code for Accounting Editing Options - FB00

Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.





Figure: 01


Accounting Editing Options- Below shown scree will appear:


Figure: 02

In the above screen, there are seven tabs named Document entry, Doc. Display, Open Items, Line Items, Credit Mgt., P.adv, Cash Jrnl



Document entry


Document entry tab controls settings related to document entry/posting only. User can select one or multiple options. Each option is described in the following document.

General Entry options – First column is general entry options under documents entry.

General Entry Options



Figure: 03


Detailed description for the each tab:


Document only in local currency



Figure: 04

Document only in local currency option is used to suppress currency rate field at header level for posting. When Currency/ Rate field is suppressed at that time system will pick local company code currency. 

Figure (05) shows Currency/ Rate field when this option is not selected and figure (06) shows Currency/ Rate field is suppressed when this option is selected.


Figure: 05


Figure: 06



Amount fields only for document currency



Figure: 07

Amount fields only for document currency option helps in determining foreign currency amount.

If “Amount fields only for document currency” is not checked then while posting any document user can provide input in the foreign currency field like figure(08) and if this this option is checked then user cannot provide input in foreign currency field as this field will be suppressed (figure:09) and local currency amounts are determined by the system. 


Figure: 08


Figure: 09


Exchange Rate from first line item




Figure: 10

Exchange Rate from first line item option is used to determine Exchange Rates.

If this option is selected, the exchange rate entered manually in the first line item (Figure) will be copied in the header automatically and field BSEG-HWMET (Figure-12) is update to E, informing that the exchange rate was manually determined.


Figure: 11


Figure: 12


No Special G/L transactions


Special GL transaction is used to differentiating display with Ordinary Receivables & Payables in the Balance Sheet for better controlling and monitoring purpose. This can be achieved by setting special indicators. Some examples of SPL GL Indicators are Down Payments, bill of exchange, Guarantees, Reserves for Bad Debts etc. T Code OBXY & OBYR are used to customize Special GL Indicators.

Once this indicator is checked then entry field for special G/L transaction is suppressed (Figure: 15) during the document entry and vice versa (Figure: 14).


Figure: 13



Figure: 14



Figure: 15

Document not cross-company code


In Cross Company Code Transaction, One company performs transaction on behalf of other company code.

In this transaction offsetting entry is posted in second Company code and System post a separate document with its own Document Number in each Company Code and it will also generate common Cross Company Code number.

Once this indicator is set, Input fields are removed from the entry screen (Figure: 17) and vice versa (Figure: 18)  


Figure: 16



Figure: 17



Figure: 18


Documents must be complete for parking


Documents must be complete for parking option is used to define settings with respect to parking of a document. If this indicator is set then User can park (save) documents when document is complete. Figure (20) shows that park option comes in display mode as document don’t have zero balance.

When this option is not selected then User can park document as Figure (21) 


Figure: 19


Figure: 20



Figure: 21



No partner business area in head. Screen


Trading partner business area is used for business area consolidation. User can enter the partner business area in the Partner business area field in the document header and this entry is then defaulted in each G/L account item.

Once this indicator is set then Trading Part BA field is suppressed (Figure: 24) and vice versa (Figure: 23)


Figure: 22



Figure: 23



Figure: 24



Calculate taxes on net amount



Figure: 25

If the tax amounts are to be calculated, you can specify here that the G/L account amounts are to be entered net (i.e. excluding tax). If not, the system assumes that the G/L account amounts entered are gross and not net of tax.

When user is trying to simulate after entering all the details for customer invoice without selecting ‘Calculate taxes on net amount’, Information message is coming “Posting is only possible with Zero Balance; Correct Document” (Figure: 26)

Once this option is selected document simulated without any message (Figure: 27)




Figure 26



Figure 27



Copy text for G/L account entry



Figure: 28

This Indicator is used to transfer item text to G/L account items. For example t-code FB50 is used to post the document and text is written in text field “Test for text copy”.

When user is trying to simulate after entering all the details, text is not updated for all the G/L accounts (Figure: 30) as “Copy text for G/L account entry” is not checked.

Once this field is checked then Text is updated automatically after simulating (Figure: 31)



Figure: 29



Figure: 30



Figure: 31

Do not copy tax code



Figure: 32

This indicator is used to deactivate the standard setting that the last tax code entered is automatically copied into the G/L account item. Once user will select this indicator then tax code is not going to be copied or vice- versa.


Note - Other options will be available in Accounting Editing Options - Document entry - Part -2





Accounting Editing Options - Document entry - Part -2


This document is the continues of the document titled: Accounting Editing Options - Document entry - Part -1


Fast entry via ISR number

ISR stands for In-payment Slip with Reference number. In Switzerland, a document is send to customers along with the invoice which contains all the details such as the payment that the customer has to make, bank details, the amount to be paid, and a payment reference number.

ISR Procedure Number is provided by Swiss Postal Service to firms based in Switzerland.

Once Fast entry via ISR number indicator is set, entry for the invoices can be done by ISR number. User doesn’t use to give account number. This indicator simplifies entry using a scanner.

ISR Entry with Control Display


This indicator helps, when there are several vendors with the same ISR number but one of them has the ISR subscriber number stored in the master record, then only this vendor is determined.

If this indicator is set, then the account determined via the POR number is also displayed on a selection screen, assuming it is clear, during fast entry via the POR subscriber number.


Figure: 33

Fast entry via ISR number and ISR Entry with Control Display indicators are not checked as of now. In the below screen user is performing entry by FB60 and provided ISR no. and ISR reference no. but system did not picked vendor account no. automatically. (Figure: 35)


Scroll down for ISR Reference.


Figure: 34


Figure: 35


Figure: 36

Fast entry via ISR number and ISR Entry with Control Display indicators are checked now. In the below screen user is performing entry by FB60 and provided ISR no. and ISR reference no. and system picked vendor account no. automatically. (Figure: 37)



Figure: 37




Figure: 38



Do not update control totals


Figure: 39

Control total is used to verify the documents are posted correctly or not. While selecting this indicator control total will not get updated. For example control total is 500 RON for vendor (Account type- K) maintained in the system.


Figure: 40

We have posted 200 RON document and checked the balance, while indicator was not set, balance become 300 RON (Figure: 41).


Figure: 41


We have posted 100 RON document and checked the balance, while indicator was set, balance is 300 RON (Figure: 42), which is same. This is not updated.


Figure: 42



Automatic Negative Posting



Figure: 43

This indicator helps to post negative posting for automatically triggered accounts or for batch input sessions for user. For example G/L account no. 411010 (Tax account) in company code R001 has 12.828,92 RON debit balance for period 6 (Figure: 44).


Figure: 44

After reversal posting amount got reduced from the debit balance instead of credit posting. (Figure: 45)


Figure: 45



Default document currency



Figure: 46

As per above screen, User can define default currency for the document by using Local currency, last document currency used and none option.

Local Currency

When someone selects Local currency option then system will pick currency as per Co. code’s local currency. In the below example Local currency for DE01 co. code is EUR so system picked EUR.


Figure: 47



Last document Currency Used

When someone selects Last document Currency Used option then system will suggest currency as per last document posted. In the below example last document was posted in USD so system picks USD for Co. Code DE01 as per last document posted.



Figure: 48


When someone selects none option then system will not pick any currency and User has to fill that option. In the below example Currency option comes blank.


Figure: 49



Default Company Code

No Company Code Proposal

This option is used to suppress the proposal of a Company Code. For example once check is there then no Company Code will be displayed (Figure: 51) or vice versa (Figure: 52). This option is very useful to them, who have to enter document in several different Company Codes.


Figure: 50


Figure: 51


Figure: 52


Screen templates and line layout variant for document entry

Screen templates and layout is used to control settings of screens as which fields are displayed and/or ready for input during entry / fast entry. User can define screen templates and layout as per requirement. In this tab User can select screen templates and layout, which are defined in the system for the different screens.

Example: G/L account items fast entry – Various variants are defined in the system for G/L account items fast entry as per (figure: 53).


Figure: 53

First we select screen variant as UK001 as per figure:54 and we can check the settings for this variant by SPRO==>IMG ==>Financial Accounting==>General Ledger Accounting ==>Business Transactions ==>G/L Account Posting==>Make and Check Document Settings==>maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items (Figure:55)

Once UK001 is selected then, while posting screen (figure: 56) comes and when we select screen variant as SAP01 (Settings for this variant’s screen- Figure: 57) screen Figure: 58 comes. One can notice that there is difference between Figure (56) and Figure (59)




Figure: 54



Figure: 55


Figure: 56


Figure: 57


Figure: 58


Figure: 59







Report for Vendors and Customers with Withholding Tax (WHT)


As we know, SAP doesn't provide the report to display WHT for customers and vendors. Below, there're some alternatives:


--> Copy the report S_P00_07000134 for country's client and customize it;


--> Check the tables LFBW,LFB1 & LFA1;


--> Do a query by SQVI and merge BSIK vs WITH_ITEM and then assign to a transaction;


--> Create a new report.


I think the third option is better than other.



Accounting Editing Options - Document Display


Accounting Editing Options


‘Accounting Editing Option’ functionality simplify user to maintain those parameters which user need not to set again and again for the SAP screens in order to post/display the documents. User can modify Accounting Editing Option settings at any time as per their requirement and this functionality helps to save the time as user don’t need to change setting again and again. All options are seems to very simple but they are really helpful.

There are seven different tabs for this option but this document covers only document display options.

Here we go:

Menu Path

Use the following menu path for this transaction:

SAP Menu ==> Accounting ==> Financial Accounting ==> General Ledger ==> Environment ==> User Parameters ==> Editing Options

Transaction Code for Accounting Editing Options



Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.



Figure: 01


Accounting Editing Options – Doc. Display - Document display tab controls the settings related to display of accounting document.


Figure: 02

In the above screen, there are seven tabs named Document entry, Doc. Display, Open Items, Line Items, Credit Mgt., P.adv, Cash Jrnl.

This document explains functionality of Doc. Display tab only.


Line layout variants for document display

Line Layout - This option is used to control fields to display for line items. Settings for this can be assessed by

SPRO==>IMG==>Financial Accounting==>Financial Accounting Global Settings==>Document==>Line Item==>Define Line Layout for Document Change/Display


Figure: 03


Figure: 04


Fields for line Item A1 can be seen in Figure (6) and for AA in Figure (8). This can be noticed that Line Item display for Figure (6) and Figure (8) is different.


Figure: 05


Figure: 06




Figure: 07


Figure: 08

Fields can be controlled with the help of line layout.


Display documents using…

Reference no.


Figure: 09

Document can be displayed with the help of t-code FB03.

If Reference no. field at FB00 is checked then Reference no. field will be added at FB03 screen. (Figure: 10) else reference no. filed will be suppressed (figure:11). This kind of setting can be helpful to display document with the help of reference no.


Figure: 10

Reference no. field is displayed in the above screen shot when Reference no. option is checked at FB00.


Figure: 11

Reference no. field is not displayed in the above screen shot when Reference no. option is checked at FB00.


Additional display options – These options are  used to display documents in different screen layouts.


Figure: 12

Document Overview – Document overview is having three options namely Classic display, ALV Classic List and ALV Grid Control.


Figure: 13

Classic Display: Classic Display option display document in fixed field layout. User need to drill down each document line to view accounting information. Below is the screen of classic display.


Figure: 14


ALV Classic List: This option can be used to customize document layout fields with the help of use sort, subtotal functions. This display is not applicable for complex postings and park with reference entries. Below screen shows ALV classic list document.



Figure: 15

ALV Grid Control: This option can be used to display document with the help of customized documents. Sort, subtotal function can be used to check document.


This display is applicable to Complex Postings and Park with Reference entries as well. Below screen shot shows ALC Grid Control document.



Figure: 16


Display cross-company code transaction


Figure: 17

This option is used to display line items of cross-company. If this option is not checked then SAP will not display Company Code specific document.

Complete cross company transaction is displayed (Figure: 18), when option is checked. Company code specific items are displayed when option is not checked (Figure:19)


Figure: 18


Figure: 19


Relationship Browser in Separate Mode


Figure: 20

This indicator is used to control the setting of screen for relationship browser. If this option is checked then SAP will display relationship browser in new window else in the same window. 

Example - Relationship Browser option is checked.


Figure: 21

Data is shown in SAP Screen 2 window.



Figure: 22

Data is shown in SAP Screen 2 window.


Figure: 23

Data is shown in SAP Screen 4 window, which is another window.


Display: Tax Data According to Reporting


Figure: 24

This option is used to determine the display of the tax base amounts and the tax percentage rates in the display window as per reporting.

Normally the base amounts are displayed exactly as they are in the database (table BSET). Only the tax amounts have a +/- sign corresponding to the debit/credit indicator. In the following cases, these details can be different to the display in the tax on sales and purchases report:

Example: Tax related entry in BSET table:


Figure: 25

When this option is not checked


Figure: 26


Negative sign is displayed for tax base amount with 451010 GL account.

When this option is checked


Figure: 27

Negative sign is displayed for tax base amount with 411010 GL account. This setting only affects the tax data display in ALV list option.






Country Specific IBAN Update


Country Specific- Qatar & Jordan IBAN Update Process


Back ground of the IBAN Process: -


International Bank Account Number is an internationally agreed system to identify bank accounts across borders to facilitate communication & processing of cross border transactions with reduced risk of transcription errors. In simple terms, it is a series of alphanumeric characters that uniquely identifies a customer’s account held at bank anywhere in the world.

For many countries IBAN has been a mandatory requirement and there are some countries to which IBAN has been recommended. Qatar & Jordan are one among to which IBAN has become effective from Jan 1st 2014 & Feb 1st 2014 respectively.

An international bank account number typically consists of two-character ISO country code;two check digits for validation purposes followed by the domestic bank code and account number. It is maintained as below:



Issue/Requirement Statement: -


SAP has standard size of 18 characters that are allowed for bank account number. Though Jordan complies with the standard functionality but for Qatar the standard norm followed in the banks are 21 digits.


Solution for the above Requirement: -


For Qatar, since the bank account digits does not comply with the standard, SAP has provided the OSS Note 1955708for the bank account number contained in IBAN, which is longer than 18 digits.


This OSS note has detailed out the configurations maintained in the customer product & business event transactions. They are as follows:


  1. Transaction BF24, new entry (the values in the columns Product & Text are just examples)



RFC destination



Long account number Qatar





  1. Transaction BF34, new entry (the value in column Ctr is the country code)




  1. Appl.














With these settings the account numbers longer than 18 characters will be stored as follows:

  • ü The first 18 characters into the field ‘Account Number’
  • ü The remaining characters into the field ‘Reference’



The following BTE settings have been added via transaction BF31 for Qatar & Jordan specifically:


  1. 1 New Entry

Event: 00003030

Ctr: JO



  1. 2 New Entry

Event: 00003030

Ctr: QA




  1. 3 New Entry

Event: 00003040

Ctr: JO



  1. 4  New Entry

Event: 00003040

Ctr: QA



The validity, correction instructions &support packages & patches involved are:



Software Component

From Rel.

To Rel.

And subsequent


















Correction Instructions

Software Component

Valid from

Valid to








Support Packages

Software Component


Support Package































Solution Testing after OSS Note Implementation: -


  1. 1.Below is the detailed out scenario for a vendor with bank country at Qatar & the bank account number that is more than 18 digits in IBAN


Bank Account: 001234567890ABCDEFG (more than 18 digits)

Country: QA

IBAN: QA58DOHB00001234567890ABCDEFG




The data in table LFKB:



The data in table TIBAN:



Execution of the payment run gives the following results



Payment posting Doc # 2014601391 posted




The XML file generated as follows:









The inbound Idoc, whichgot created as follows


  1. 2. Below is the detailed out scenario for a vendor with bank country at Jordan & the bank account number that is equal to or less than 18 digits in IBAN


Bank Account: 2000007001 (less than or equal to 18 digits)

Country: JO

IBAN: JO82NBAD0020000000002000007001





The data in table LFBK


The data in table TIBAN


Execution of the payment run gives the following results


Payment posting Doc # 2014601393 posted


The XML file generated as follows:











The inbound Idoc, which got created as follows




Note: This OSS note refers to SAP note 1447761 (overview of IBAN converters) & 1012293 (IBAN & Maintenance of Bank Master data)

And this OSS note is referenced by SAP note 1958358 (Legal change: IBAN for Qatar)

Cumulative values in GL drilldown reports


This document describes how figures are calculated from the drilldown reports in the General Ledger (S_PL0_86000029, S_PL0_86000028 and S_E38_98000088).



The figures are calculated in the following way:



1.- The calculated keyfigure BILWERT (Balance Sheet Value) behaves in different ways for balance sheet and for P+L accounts. For balance sheet accounts it always provides you with cumulated values. For example for period 6 to 6 it will show cumulated value for periods 1 - 6 plus the balance carry forward value.

2.- The BILWER is calculated like:


WERTB - Balance sheet accounts value

WERTE - Income statement account value

3.- However, if an account is a P&L statement account, you will see the real period balance value for the particular period range. It means, that for period 6-6 you will see value for the single period 6. For period 1-6 you will see cumulated value for period range 1 - 6 without balance carry forward.


The particular accounts will be valuated depending on the Financial Statement specified in the parameter selection at the time of running the report.



Following this logic the account classification should be as follows:



1.- All accounts assigned to the nodes "Assets" and "Liab+Equity" are taken as balance sheet accounts and cumulated values are provided for those accounts by report S_E38_98000088 (and other GL reports).

2.- All accounts which are not assigned within the FSV at all are considered as balance sheet accounts and cumulated values are provided by GL drilldown reports.

3.- All accounts which are assigned out of "Assets" and "Liab+Equity" nodes within particular FSV are taken as Profit and Loss acounts and period values are provided for them in the GL drilldown reports.


The original settings (which you can see under T-cd: FS00) has no influence on it when using the FI-GL drilldown reports.


If the FSV is not specified in the selection, this means that all accounts are handled in the same way as "balance sheet account" from the above explanation.

Provision configuartion and logic in SAP


1.     Summary

This document explains the accounting aspect of provision and bad debt write off. Case study is taken and steps to implement the same in SAP are explained in step wise manner with screenshots as and when required.



2.     Financial Accounting Aspect


   Company ‘Mango Inc.’ sold goods on credit worth 2000 INR to its customer ‘Slush Manufacturers’ on date 1st January 2013.

   Revenue side accounting entry for the above transaction


  • Mango Inc. management has decided that if receivables are not collected than provision for 50% of invoice amount needs to
    be done after 1 month. 
  • After 2 month provision needs to be made for entire 100% of invoice amount.
  • Bad debt needs to be written off after the said period.


  Bad debt accounting comprises of two steps.

  1. Create of provision for Bad debts
  2. Bad Debt Write off

  Accounting entries:


Other than customer account another three accounts are required for completion of such transactions.

  1. Bad debt write off (Balance Sheet Account)
  2. [Contra for Balance sheet] Bad Debt Account (P&L Account)
  3. Provision Bad Debt Account (Reconciliation Account)


After 2 months i.e. on 2nd March 2013, Mango Inc. wants to create provision for all unpaid invoices.

Financial entry for the above on 2nd March 2013:




Mango Inc. decides to write all the bad debts which impact their balance in below explained fashion.

            Financial entry for the same on 31st march 2013 will be:


3.          Implementation in SAP


The above accounting procedure can be configured and tested in SAP with below steps:


(a)    Steps in nutshell


  1. Transaction code : OB04 : To create Provision Type
  2. Transaction code :  FS00 : To create 3 G/L accounts
  3. Transaction code : OBXD : To configure Bad debts write-off G/L accounts
  4. Transaction code :OBXY : To configure special G/L Recon account
  5. Transaction code : FD01 : To create customer
  6. Transaction code : F- 22 : To post customer Invoice
  7. Transaction code : F103 : To create Provision for Bad debt
  8. Transaction code : F104: For Bad debt write off


(b)    Step 1: Provision Method


Transaction Code: OB04

Click on New entries button:

  • Enter 3 letters word under name of Provision type
  • Enter months and % of amount that needs to be provisioned

   With below setting we have configured ‘MAN’ provision type to write


  • 50% amount of invoice for provision after 1 month
  • 100% amount of invoice for provision after 2 months



(c)    Step 2: Create GL Account


Transaction Code: FS00


(d)    Step 3: Automatic Posting configuration


Transaction Code: OBXD

Enter chart of Account in Pop up window and click on green tick button




Enter G/L account number for the provision type which needs to be
debited and credited when the posting for write of debts is to be done.




(e)    Step 4: Special G/L account configuration


Transaction Code: OBXY

Select Account type ‘D’ and special GL indicator type ‘E’ row and
double click on that



Enter COA in pop up window

Enter Recon Account in column 1 and Special G/L account in column 2.




With reference to below setting when while posting to customer Account whose Recon account is mapped to 100001 posting will happen to 500011 when
special G/L indicator used is  ‘E’


(f)    Step 5: Create Customer

  Transaction Code: FD01

  Customer Number: 46

  Customer Name: Slush Manufacturers

  Configured Recon Account: 100001 (As mentioned in Step 2)




(g)    Step 6: Customer Invoice posting

  Transaction Code: F-22 to Post invoice

  Transaction Code: FB03 to view posted document




Report FBL5N to view customer open item




(h)    Step 7: Transfer posting for Doubtful Receivables

  Transaction Code: F103

  Enter Provision Method created in Step 1 as ‘MAN’

  Special GL Indictor as ‘E’ for which configuration is done is step 4


Execute the report and output will contain the document posted in step  6 as it crossed two months.


Documents are not yet posted, only session is created.

Go to Transaction code SM35 and process the session.Select the session and click on Process button.


Execute Customer Report by transaction code FBL5N

Document 1800000006 for amount 7777 INR posted in step 6 is cleared with document 1600000007.



Enter transaction code FB03 to open document 1600000007.

In above document its can be seen that Normal AR Recon account is credited and Special G/L account is debited.




This F103 transaction clears off the Accounts Receivables from Customer.


    Step 8: Provision for Doubtful Receivables


Transaction Code: F104

   Enter company Code and Customet Account as entered in step 7

  Enter provision method and special g/L indicator as ‘MAN’ and ‘E’



Execute the report. Customer invoice for 7777 will picked up and displayed in report output.However no postings will be done.


Go back and select checkbox for Generate Posting. Execute the report again







Execute transaction code FB03 and enter document number 100000003 posted above.





Transaction F104 does posting on balance sheet to write off all doubtful debts for which
provisioning is done in step 7.

FAGL_ACTIVATE_OP fails with error "Ledger group-specific postings exist"


This document deals with one of the most common errors encountered while using the transaction FAGL_ACTIVATE_OP to enable open item management for a specific account - "Ledger group-specific postings exist" (error message no. FAGL_ SWITCH_OP090)


After executing the report you notice that the conversion has stopped and produced the following error message on the output screen:


What this means is that there are line items in the account being converted have a Ledger Group value (in the corresponding field in BKPF-LDGRP) filled with a value indicating that it is a ledger group specific line item.


The conversion then stops since it is not possible to convert accounts to Open Item Management which have existing line items with Ledger Group.


This error message appears not for a technical restriction, but a logical one; since is not possible at all to set the 'ledger group specific' postings to standard open item management. The reason for this should be clear, as the main requirement/requisite for Open Item management is that the balances in ALL ledgers must be the same as the sum of open items. Therefore it is not possible to post 'ledger group specific postings' anymore for a open item managed account. So of course, ledger group specific postings will not be set to Open Item Management, as these could also not be cleared again.


Please also see the KBA 2058990 for additional details in relation to this.            


Additional information on the use of FAGL_ACTIVATE_OP can be found in the wiki here

Profit Center derivation in different scenarios


A profit center (PC) is a sub-division within the organization responsible for its own revenues, expenses, assets and the ROI (return on investment).  Profit centers can be considered as “companies with in the company”

It is a mystery to many how the profit center is determined in various postings. Without understanding this, it is not possible to define a sound SAP enterprise structure. For example, Company ABC wants to decide at what level  the Profit Centers must be defined. The knowledge about the profit center determination will help you judge whether the decision taken is tenable or not

Here, we will discuss Profit center determination in various postings that happen natively in FI module or triggered from Logistics module i.e. MM, PP and SD modules.


At the end of the document, you will appreciate the (Crisp) logic used in SAP to determine the Profit center in various important scenarios.


Profit Center determination in native FI Postings: -



PC derived from

GL Account is a cost element

      > CO object

GL Account is not a cost element (P&L account and B/S Account)

> FI substitution

> Default assignments  (FAGL3KEH)

> Manual entry

GL Account is a B/S account – document splitting active

> Off setting line item / Constant

> FI substitution

> Default assignments  (FAGL3KEH)

> Manual entry

Asset transactions

> CO object specified in the asset master

> Starting EhP5, PC can be specified in the asset master directly


Profit Center determination in MM Postings: -

In the case of MM postings, the Profit center is first determined in the parent document, i.e., Purchase order, and it flows from there into subsequent postings.



PC derived from

Stock receipt  (GR)

(Dr) Stock Account

(Cr) GR/IR Account

Purchase Order (PO derives from Material master)

Stock receipt - account assigned PO

(Dr) Consumption Account

(Cr) GR/IR Account

CO object (in the Purchase Order)


  (Dr) Consumption/Scrap account

  (Cr) Stock Account


CO object

Material master (of mat consumed)


  (Dr) Consumption/Scrap account(not CE)

  (Cr) Stock Account


Material master (of mat consumed)

Material master (of mat consumed)



Profit Center determination in PP Postings: -

In the case of PP postings, the Profit center is first determined in the parent document, i.e., Production order, and it flows from there into subsequent postings.


PC derived from

Production order – MTS Scenario

Material master (of the product manufactured)

Production order – assigned to Project or Sales order item

Project / Sales order item


  (Dr) Consumption

  (Cr) Stock Account


Production order

Material master (of mat consumed)

Stock receipt – MTS Scenario

  (Dr) Stock Account  

  (Cr) COGM 


Material master (of the product mfd )

Production order

Stock receipt – MTO Scenario

  (Dr) Stock Account  

  (Cr) COGM 


PC from Project / Sales order item

Production order


Profit Center determination in SD Postings: -

In the case of SD postings, the Profit center is first determined in the parent document, i.e., Sales order, and it flows from there into subsequent postings.


PC derived from

Sales order

PCA Substitution OR Material master

Sales order – account assigned to WBSE/Order

CO object

PGI (Delivery)

  (Dr) COGS Account (not CE)

  (Cr) Stock Account


Sales order

Material master

PGI (Delivery) – MTO scenario

  (Dr) COGS Account (cost element)

  (Cr) Stock Account


WBS / Order / Sales order

Material master


   (Dr) Customer

   (Cr) Revenue


Sales order

Sales order

Stock Transfer (Intra-Company)

   (Dr) Stock Account

   (Cr) Stock Account


Material master (receiving plant)

Material master (sending plant)


Hope you enjoyed reading the document and it served its purpose. Do share your feedback / comments at the end of the document after reading the same!!!


Kavita Agarwal

Archiving & Check Payments


Firstly before archiving please review Wiki explaining archiving conditions


In addition the general ledger account from which your outgoing check will be issued must be set to open item managed. If the account is not open item managed then the payment documents may be archived even if the check has not been cashed.


Why is this?


Well the logic is as follows: while the check is not cashed the matching payment document item will NOT be cleared. The only transactions to clear the payment document item are the bank account statement (this will update once check is cashed ) or a reversal (if check is voided)

Also useful to know that in this situation you can work with the check (reprint/ cancel) even if the paid invoices are already archived


For all other clearings you would need to void the check


Transaction FCH8 will allow you to cancel the check and reverse the document ( valid if the document is is not archived)

Transaction FCH9 cancels the check only.  (valid if the document has been archived)

Unreliable Vendor Status: Czech Legal Requirement


Business Problem


According to the new amendment to the Czech tax act on Value Added Tax (VAT), VAT-payers who have seriously violated the administration of value added tax will be deemed unreliable VAT-payers and Customers who receive supplies from unreliable VAT-payers will become guarantors of any outstanding VAT on supplies.


  • VAT-payers who have seriously violated the administration of value added tax will be deemed unreliable VAT-payers
  • Customers who receive supplies from unreliable VAT-payers will become guarantors of any outstanding VAT on supplies
  • The only way  for customers to avoid this obligation is to pay VAT on supplies directly to Czech tax authorities, instead
    to unreliable VAT-payers.




The Czech government regularly updates the status of unreliable VAT payers on their website. The link to the website is http://cds.mfcr.cz/cps/rde/xbcr/cds/2013_Nespolehlivy-platce.pdf


Option 1.

The reliability of VAT tax payers can be checked regularly using their tax identification number on the website. This is manual activity and allows only 1 tax identification number at a time.


Option 2.

A webervice is available on the website to read the Reliability status of VAT tax payers in a batch of 100 Tax identification numbers. The technical parameters of the webservice can be found on http://epodpora.mfcr.cz/33-1218.html


An interface can be created between SAP and the goverment website using the web service. The data read can be uploaded in SAP database table.

The user can be presented with a report to display the list of Reliable VAT tax payers. Alternately, enhancements can be implemented to retrict payments to VAT tax payers with a 'Not Reliable' status.

Logic and customizing of Negative Postings (XNEGP) Explained


There have been several postings on the ERP Financials forums in the past related to the functionality and customizing of the Negative Postings or XNEGP setting in OBY6. I decided to write up a brief document explaining the SAP functionality around this topic.



As per SAP documentation - Negative postings allowed:(OBY6) Indicator that the transaction figures on the original side of the account are reset again rather than being increased on the other side of the account when documents are reversed. If you have set this indicator, then the account balance of the account in question is represented as though the document had never been posted after the document is reversed. Otherwise the transaction figures of the account would be increased by the same amount on the debit and on the credit side due to the document and the reversal document. A precondition for negative postings is, however, that document types which allow line items to be flagged individually as negative postings have been defined. You have to define this in Customizing for document types. You must also permit the negative postings per company code and have defined reasons for reversal. You also make these settings in Financial Accounting Customizing.




The derivation/entry of XNEGP depends on the fact, if


a) a posting transaction is used
b) a reversal is done.


In case a) the settings of XNEGP in company code and document type play a role. As soon as XNEGP is defined in both categories, it can be entered in the single lines of the document.


In case b) you cannot  influence the document type. It depends on the document which has to be reversed. Therefore in case b) the settings of the reversal reason and the company code, BUT NOT of the document type play a role (often the document type is not even known by the user who reverses the document). If XNEGP of company code and of reversal reason is set, XNEGP is inverted in the reversal document. That means, was XNEGP = 'X' in the reversed document it becomes space in the reversal document. Was XNEGP = space in the reversed document, it becomes 'X' in the reversal document.



a) for postings the XNEGP of company code and document type are  relevant
b) for reversals the XNEGP of company code and reversal reason are relevant.




Just to clarify a bit further, three conditions must be set up for negative postings:

- Negative postings permitted in global parameters. (OBY6)

- Reason for reversal must be defined for negative posting.

- Document type must be activated for negative posting.


The Question is that in some cases the first two conditions are met but the 'document type' is not activated for negative postings. Despite this the reversal documents are posted with indicator XNEGP -  Why ?  - There are few dependencies that need to be considered that are not contradictory to what has been explained in this document so far. These dependencies are:


1-   XNEGP in the company code (data element XNEGP_ACT):


"... Requirements:  A precondition for negative postings is, however, that document types which allow line items to be flagged individually as negative postings have been defined. You have to define this in Customizing for document types.  You must also permit the negative postings per company code and have defined reasons for reversal. You also make these settings in Financial Accounting Customizing. ..."


There is  not a conjunction (AND-relation). The requirements can be regarded in parallel. That means, document type is specific for postings. Reversal reasons are crucial for reversals.


2- XNEGP in the reversal reason (data element XNEGP_041C): 


"... Dependencies : Negative postings must also be allowed for the company code of the document to be reversed. If a company code does not generally use any negative postings, the indicator set here is ignored. ..."


As you can see in this case, the document type is not even mentioned. Only the company code is crucial in addition to the reversal reason.


3- XNEGP in the document type (data element XNEGP_BLA):

"... Dependencies - The company code in the document you are reversing must allow negative postings. If you are using a document type for a company code that does not allow negative postings, the system ignores this setting here...."


In connection with the document type the reversal reason is not even brought up. Only the company code is crucial in addition to the document type! .


The derivation of the XNEGP depends on the fact , if you post a document or if you reverse a document. In case of postings, company code and document type settings are relevant. In case of reversals, company code and reversal reason settings are relevant. The main requirement is the setting of the company code. Besides the kind of posting (posting or reversal) plays the significant role.

The reason for this differentiation is the fact that on the one hand in most cases the reversal document type is not even known in FB08. On the other hand it can't be influenced in FB08. Thus the use of the document type settings wouldn't make sense in FB08. Therefore the reversal reason code has to be the decisive criterion.



In some cases the debit/credit indicator in the general ledger view (FAGLFLEXA) does not correspond to the value in the entry view (BSEG) and the values do not correspond to the posting  key or plus/minus sign. This is not an error but in most cases can be explained by the system logic when you have activated new General Ledger Accounting and Negative Postings are allowed (as explained above).


In contrast to classic General Ledger Accounting (BSEG-XNEGP), there is no field  for negative postings in a new G/L table group by default. If the indicator XNEGP is set for a line in the entry view, the debit/credit indicator  for this line in the general ledger view is reversed directly when the line  items are updated and is updated in the same way as the balances. The posting  key and the amount posted are not affected by this logic.



A credit line for which a negative posting has been made and that has posting key 50 is updated as a debit line with posting key 50 and a negative amount in

the line item table of the new general ledger.


In Entry view : Table (BSEG):

Acct       Debit/credit       Posting key               Amount     Neg. posting

10000    H                      50                              - 100          X

20000    S                      40                              +100

This will be translated as follows in New G/L: (FAGLFLEXA)

Acct       Debit/credit        Postingkey                Amount

10000    S                        50                              100

20000    S                        40                            +100


For more details about the effect of XNEGP postings on credit and debit indicators in BSEG and  New G/L please read the following SAP wiki article Effect of Negative Postings on Dr Cr postings between BSEG and FAGLFLEXA

How to Access Report Painter and Report Writer?


To access the Report Painter you may either:

  • < On the SAP Easy Access screen, from the navigation menu, choose SAP menu ®®®
  • < In the Command field, enter transaction FGRP
  1. Report Writer functions can be accessed from within the Report Painter. To access Report Writer, on the SAP Easy Access screen, from the navigation menu, choose SAP menu ® Information systems®Ad hoc reports ®Report painter ®Report Writer.


What Are the Prerequisites?

  • Table: You must know the table you need for the report, as well as the data within the table. Every table has evaluation structures or characteristics and key figures required for a report. Each table’s characteristics and key figures are different. For example, in the special ledger the key figures are based on currency: transaction, local, and group. In Cost Center Accounting (CCA) structure CCSS, the key figures are based on currency and the type of:
  • Cost
  • Quantity
  • Statistical quantity
  • Variances
  • Sets: You need to build sets that include the values for the characteristics necessary for your report. Although the values can be directly entered into the report, we recommend you use sets. Sets can be used in multiple reports because when values change, only the sets are changed—not each individual report. As an example, cost center hierarchies (groups) are sets and can be used directly (as with profit center groups). The same holds true for cost elements, activity types, statistical key figures, orders, and business processes (you do not have to create technical sets for these characteristics to use Report Painter).
  • Library: You must create a library for the table or evaluation structure. Most tables supported by Report Painter and Report Writer have one or more libraries you can use. When creating evaluation structures in the Logistics Information System (LIS), the system creates a library beginning with a 2. Because the special ledger is not delivered with the libraries, you need to create a library on each new special ledger table.

Closing Cockpit


The closing cockpit is a very powerful tool in SAP Financial System which provides a structured interface for executing transactions and programs that form part of complex processes such as periodic and annual closing processes. The tree structure supports processes within an organizational structure such as a company code, as well as scenarios impacting multiple organizational structures. The closing cockpit as a tool is very useful in scenarios:


1. The activities are repeated periodically


2. Multiple people are responsible for completion of tasks


3. The activities are performed in a chronological order


4. A collaborative view is required by all people or units involved with a clear overview for dependencies



Two of the basic structural elements of a closing cockpit configuration is:


1. Template - The template contains the list of steps to be executed, the sequence in which they need to be executed


2. Task List - The task list contains the information contained in the template along with the actual date of execution.


The major steps in the configuration for a closing cockpit have been listed in the diagram below:


Drawing 1.JPG


The path for accessing the closing cockpit configuration is as under:


Drawing 1.JPG

The transaction for this is CLOCOC


The first prerequisite for configuring the closing cockpit is to register the programs in the table SCMATRANSACT. This can be done using SM30 or the closing cockpit configuration itself as shown below:


Drawing 1.JPG

The complete list of programs which are already registered is shown. You can add additional programs including custom programs by clicking on "New Entries" as below:


Drawing 1.JPGDrawing 1.JPG


Drawing 1.JPG

Just like the programs, all the transactions which need to be execute from closing cockpit must also be registered as shown below:


Drawing 1.JPG




Drawing 1.JPG


Similar to Programs, you can add the custom Z or Y Transactions as well to the closing cockpit in addition to the standard transaction codes. Once the above prerequisites have been completed, we are now ready to start the configuration steps  for the closing cockpit.


Creation of Organizational Hierarchies


The configuration starts with the creation of organizational hierarchy. The creation of organizational hierarchy allows to distribute the closing process in terms of organizational structures. If org elements like profit center are used in SAP system, it essentially means that segregation can be done at this level as well.


Drawing 1.JPG


Follow the path shown in the screen shot above to start creating the Organizational Hierarchy. If the standard delivered organizational elements are not sufficient for the Business Requirement, you can add more organizational elements for Closing Cockpit as shown below:


Drawing 1.JPG


Drawing 1.JPG



Drawing 1.JPG


Add the field value which needs to be added for creating the organizational hierarchy. When the field has been added, now you can specify the name of your organizational hierarchy as below:


Drawing 1.JPG

Creation of Template


A template is used to create the individual steps in a process chain. The template is therefore a collection of tasks which need to be executed in a particular sequence keeping in orientation the overall process and organizational units involved.The steps to configure organizational template is as under:


Drawing 1.JPG



Be mindful of the fact that the Create Template is available only in the change mode for T Code CLOCOC.


Drawing 1.JPG



A pop up box will appear in which you can define the name of the template and also link the same to the Closing Hierarchy. You can also link it to a Factory Calender and define other time dependent attributes for the template.


Drawing 1.JPG


When you press enter, the template is saved. Now you create all the subfolders in the order in which the activities need to be executed.This represents a systematic view of completing the closing activities.

Drawing 1.JPG



You can right clock to modify a folder properties or to create a new sub folder


Drawing 1.JPG

Once the folders have been created, now we need to add the task to in the form of individual activities that need to be performed as part of the overall process in the task list. This can be an execution of a transaction code or a program. For creating a task in sub folder, right click on the same and click on add task as shown below


Drawing 1.JPG


Drawing 1.JPG

The tasks can be created in the following types:


-      Program with Variant

-      Program without variant

-      Transaction

-      Notes

-      Flow Definition


You can specify the planned run time of the activity. If the same has a deadline for completion, the same can be marked as "Critical Path" and it will display accordingly in the cockpit. You can also specify the usage of the task highlighting the usage of the same, whether the same is used in month end or period end or year end closing.


Drawing 1.JPG


In the closing cockpit, you can also portray dependencies for a preceding step as well for a task. This allows that the preceding task is completed first successfully before execution of the current task in hand. This is an important step to plan a smooth closing.

Drawing 1.JPG

Click on any task and on the Dependencies tab, right click to add a dependent task



The task will than show up as a preceding task as shown below


Drawing 1.JPG



The next step in the configuration is the generation of the task list. Follow the steps as shown below


Drawing 1.JPG

Drawing 1.JPG




Here the name of the task list and template is same. This means that we are generating the same out of task list template. The key date is entered along with the type of closing and fiscal year details. By default task list is not in released status.While saving, if the task is ok, save it as released. This will allow the task to be scheduled.


Drawing 1.JPG


Once all the tasks are in released, these can now be scheduled as part of month end processes.


Drawing 1.JPG




There are standard templates for closing cockpit delivered which can also be used.Drawing 1.JPG

Depending on the requirements, you can create your own task list or use the standard ones.

Report for Vendors and Customers with Withholding Tax (WHT)




As we know, SAP doesn't provide the report to display WHT for customers and vendors. Below, there're some alternatives:


1. Do a query by SQVI and merge BSIK vs WITH_ITEM and then assign to a transaction (screen shots below);


2.  Check the tables KNBW for customer and LFBW for vendors;


3. Copy the report S_P00_07000134 for country's client and customize it;


4. Create a new Z report with ABAP help.




For the first option you have to follow the steps:


1. Access to a SQVI, choose a name for your new report, insert the title, in the Data Source choose the Table join option and then the layout mode;



2. Insert the tables: BSIK for the open line items and WITH_ITEM for Witholding tax FI line items. Create the links that will have the connections, like: company code, fiscal year and accounting document number or another one;



3. Click in back and choose the fileds for both tables that you want to view in the selection screen and output's report. Also, you can choose the sort sequence and the output. For view similar of the tables, it is "List Output". Do the "Check" to verify if everything is correct and then execute;




4. After execution, the report is already to be executed. For this client doesn't has a lot of line items, so it was inserted just the fiscal year to demonstrate but if you have many line items, you'll have to insert at least the company code and exercise because these two fields it are key fields in these tables;




5. And the the report was executed;




I hope this can help you.




Depreciation of a period share out to the rest of the year


In an industrial company is very common that it exist periods stopping in manufacture, which is used for maintenance repairs. In these periods, the accounting and controlling departments separate the costs of these repairs to avoid distortions on calculation of production costs: raw material costs are reduced or eliminated and repair external costs increase considerably. In addition, fixed costs are equal apply installations worked or not. A common solution is accounting departments to share out the fixed costs of the shutdown period between the rest of the year accounting periods. This operation is usually an external calculation (in Excel or similar) and posting an accrual entries in SAP system through a recurring document.


One of the fixed costs for which SAP has a standard solution without resorting recurring document is fixed assets depreciation. The solution is that the program for posting depreciation (transaction AFAB) do not perform any accounting entry in the accounting period corresponding to the factory stopping and it share out in the other periods, the total annual depreciation unchanged. Let's assume in this example a manufacturing company with a maintenance repair stop in August.


There is a customizing that does this automatically:

2014-10-27 08_42_27-Display IMG_1.jpg

2014-10-27 08_43_10_2.jpg

On the first point, fix the valuation area to which you want to assign this behavior, depending on the company code (not dependent on the chart of depreciation)


2014-10-27 08_44_18-Change View _3.jpg


On the second point, are weighted for each variant periods of exercise (currently example is K4):


2014-10-27 08_47_31-New Entries_ 4.jpg


In this example, August (month number 8) is populated with blanks and the weight to other periods is 1, this customizing share out the value of August depreciation in same value to other periods.


See an example: nonstop active August, the annual amount of 2013 (5481.19 eur) is distributed proportionately throughout the year:




Same asset with customizing stop in August, the annual amount is the same, no change, but in August does not depreciate any value:





Accounting Editing Options - Document entry - Part -1


Accounting Editing Options




‘Accounting Editing Option’ functionality simplify user to maintain those parameters which user need not to set again and again for the SAP screens in order to post/display the documents. User can modify Accounting Editing Option settings at any time as per their requirement and this functionality helps to save the time as user don’t need to change setting again and again.

There are seven different tabs for this option but this document covers only document entry options.

Here we go:

Menu Path

Use the following menu path in order to access for this transaction:

SAP Menu ==> Accounting ==> Financial Accounting ==> General Ledger ==> Environment ==> User Parameters ==> Editing Options

Transaction Code for Accounting Editing Options - FB00

Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.





Figure: 01


Accounting Editing Options- Below shown scree will appear:


Figure: 02

In the above screen, there are seven tabs named Document entry, Doc. Display, Open Items, Line Items, Credit Mgt., P.adv, Cash Jrnl



Document entry


Document entry tab controls settings related to document entry/posting only. User can select one or multiple options. Each option is described in the following document.

General Entry options – First column is general entry options under documents entry.

General Entry Options



Figure: 03


Detailed description for the each tab:


Document only in local currency



Figure: 04

Document only in local currency option is used to suppress currency rate field at header level for posting. When Currency/ Rate field is suppressed at that time system will pick local company code currency. 

Figure (05) shows Currency/ Rate field when this option is not selected and figure (06) shows Currency/ Rate field is suppressed when this option is selected.


Figure: 05


Figure: 06



Amount fields only for document currency



Figure: 07

Amount fields only for document currency option helps in determining foreign currency amount.

If “Amount fields only for document currency” is not checked then while posting any document user can provide input in the foreign currency field like figure(08) and if this this option is checked then user cannot provide input in foreign currency field as this field will be suppressed (figure:09) and local currency amounts are determined by the system. 


Figure: 08


Figure: 09


Exchange Rate from first line item




Figure: 10

Exchange Rate from first line item option is used to determine Exchange Rates.

If this option is selected, the exchange rate entered manually in the first line item (Figure) will be copied in the header automatically and field BSEG-HWMET (Figure-12) is update to E, informing that the exchange rate was manually determined.


Figure: 11


Figure: 12


No Special G/L transactions


Special GL transaction is used to differentiating display with Ordinary Receivables & Payables in the Balance Sheet for better controlling and monitoring purpose. This can be achieved by setting special indicators. Some examples of SPL GL Indicators are Down Payments, bill of exchange, Guarantees, Reserves for Bad Debts etc. T Code OBXY & OBYR are used to customize Special GL Indicators.

Once this indicator is checked then entry field for special G/L transaction is suppressed (Figure: 15) during the document entry and vice versa (Figure: 14).


Figure: 13



Figure: 14



Figure: 15

Document not cross-company code


In Cross Company Code Transaction, One company performs transaction on behalf of other company code.

In this transaction offsetting entry is posted in second Company code and System post a separate document with its own Document Number in each Company Code and it will also generate common Cross Company Code number.

Once this indicator is set, Input fields are removed from the entry screen (Figure: 17) and vice versa (Figure: 18)  


Figure: 16



Figure: 17



Figure: 18


Documents must be complete for parking


Documents must be complete for parking option is used to define settings with respect to parking of a document. If this indicator is set then User can park (save) documents when document is complete. Figure (20) shows that park option comes in display mode as document don’t have zero balance.

When this option is not selected then User can park document as Figure (21) 


Figure: 19


Figure: 20



Figure: 21



No partner business area in head. Screen


Trading partner business area is used for business area consolidation. User can enter the partner business area in the Partner business area field in the document header and this entry is then defaulted in each G/L account item.

Once this indicator is set then Trading Part BA field is suppressed (Figure: 24) and vice versa (Figure: 23)


Figure: 22



Figure: 23



Figure: 24



Calculate taxes on net amount



Figure: 25

If the tax amounts are to be calculated, you can specify here that the G/L account amounts are to be entered net (i.e. excluding tax). If not, the system assumes that the G/L account amounts entered are gross and not net of tax.

When user is trying to simulate after entering all the details for customer invoice without selecting ‘Calculate taxes on net amount’, Information message is coming “Posting is only possible with Zero Balance; Correct Document” (Figure: 26)

Once this option is selected document simulated without any message (Figure: 27)




Figure 26



Figure 27



Copy text for G/L account entry



Figure: 28

This Indicator is used to transfer item text to G/L account items. For example t-code FB50 is used to post the document and text is written in text field “Test for text copy”.

When user is trying to simulate after entering all the details, text is not updated for all the G/L accounts (Figure: 30) as “Copy text for G/L account entry” is not checked.

Once this field is checked then Text is updated automatically after simulating (Figure: 31)



Figure: 29



Figure: 30



Figure: 31

Do not copy tax code



Figure: 32

This indicator is used to deactivate the standard setting that the last tax code entered is automatically copied into the G/L account item. Once user will select this indicator then tax code is not going to be copied or vice- versa.


Note - Other options will be available in Accounting Editing Options - Document entry - Part -2





Depreciation of a period share out to the rest of the year


In an industrial company is very common that it exist periods stopping in manufacture, which is used for maintenance repairs. In these periods, the accounting and controlling departments separate the costs of these repairs to avoid distortions on calculation of production costs: raw material costs are reduced or eliminated and repair external costs increase considerably. In addition, fixed costs are equal apply installations worked or not. A common solution is accounting departments to share out the fixed costs of the shutdown period between the rest of the year accounting periods. This operation is usually an external calculation (in Excel or similar) and posting an accrual entries in SAP system through a recurring document.


One of the fixed costs for which SAP has a standard solution without resorting recurring document is fixed assets depreciation. The solution is that the program for posting depreciation (transaction AFAB) do not perform any accounting entry in the accounting period corresponding to the factory stopping and it share out in the other periods, the total annual depreciation unchanged. Let's assume in this example a manufacturing company with a maintenance repair stop in August.


There is a customizing that does this automatically:

2014-10-27 08_42_27-Display IMG_1.jpg

2014-10-27 08_43_10_2.jpg

On the first point, fix the valuation area to which you want to assign this behavior, depending on the company code (not dependent on the chart of depreciation)


2014-10-27 08_44_18-Change View _3.jpg


On the second point, are weighted for each variant periods of exercise (currently example is K4):


2014-10-27 08_47_31-New Entries_ 4.jpg


In this example, August (month number 8) is populated with blanks and the weight to other periods is 1, this customizing share out the value of August depreciation in same value to other periods.


See an example: nonstop active August, the annual amount of 2013 (5481.19 eur) is distributed proportionately throughout the year:




Same asset with customizing stop in August, the annual amount is the same, no change, but in August does not depreciate any value:





NEW GL Allocation Part 2


New GL Allocation Part 1 explains the process of Allocation in New GL. This document aims to cover the relevant config required for new GL allocation


Part 1 can be found under below link




Allocations in General Ledger enable one to periodically allocate amounts and quantities from sender objects to receiver objects. The two main types of allocations are assessment and distribution. One can allocate both plan and actual data. Allocation rules are used to determine how amounts and quantities should be allocated from sender object to receiver object

SAP recommends performing assessments and distributions at the cost center level in Overhead Cost Controlling, although it is technically possible to perform them in the new General Ledger. For allocations in the new General Ledger, assessment/distribution should occur at a higher level, such as at the profit center and segment level.

It is possible to do GL Allocations for Actual as well as Plan Data. The basis of Allocation is defined in Allocation Cycles.


Configuration Steps:


1) Define Field Usage for Distribution


Transaction Code     GCA6


Menu Path     IMG>Financial Accounting (New) > General ledger Accounting (New) > Periodic Processing > Allocation > Define Field Usage for Distribution


Here we define how a particular Dimension in General ledger will be used in the GL Distribution cycles. You should enter company code as a single value at the cycle level so that the allocation is processed without any problems. A cross-company code distribution is not possible.



Click on New Entries  if the Table and field for which it is desired to maintain the settings is not available in this list, else choose the respective line item and click ‘Details’


double click the line and detailed screen for an entry gets open


Fields details:


Field Name





Summary table for which the Allocation field is being defined



Field name for which the settings are being defined

Allocation Type





Whether it is for Actual or Plan Allocation

General Settings



This field controls whether the table field appears in the results list following allocation. If the table field is to be displayed, activate the control field.

Display Position


This field is used to define the position in which the field appears in the maintenance screen and in the list for assessment/distribution. Fields not thus specified appear in alphabetical order.

Transfer Field


Normally, summarization is carried out automatically via a field that is not called in the segment. If this indicator is set, the sender values of this field are always received in the receiver values, even if this field is not defined in the segment definition.

Example: For a cost center distribution in FI-SL, you always want the business areas that are posted with sender records to be inherited by the receiver records. You then have to activate this indicator for the business area dimension.

Field Usage in Allocation


(Blank) No entry possible

+ (M)

X (O)

Defines whether an entry can/must be made in this field during Cycle definition in ‘Cycle’ tab and also whether it is possible to enter Single value, or a range of values, or a set

Sender Tracing Factor

(Blank) No entry possible

+ (M)

X (O)

Defines whether an entry can/must be made in this field during Cycle definition in ‘Sender tracing Factor’ tab and also whether it is possible to enter Single value, or a range of values, or a set


(Blank) No entry possible

+ (M)

X (O)

Defines whether an entry can/must be made in this field during Cycle definition in ‘Sender’ tab and also whether it is possible to enter Single value, or a range of values, or a set


(Blank) No entry possible

+ (M)

X (O)

Defines whether an entry can/must be made in this field during Cycle definition in ‘Receiver’ tab and also whether it is possible to enter Single value, or a range of values, or a set

Receiver Tracing Factor

(Blank) No entry possible

+ (M)

X (O)

Defines whether an entry can/must be made in this field during Cycle definition in ‘Receiver tracing Factor’ tab and also whether it is possible to enter Single value, or a range of values, or a set

After defining, click on save


Similarly, we can define for other fields also.


For Plan distribution allocation, we need to select "Plan" in the configuration




2) Define Account Determination for Allocation


   We can define a clearing account for allocation in GL. if there are more than 1000 items which are created during allocation, system splits the FI document, The balance of document is posted to the clearing account. This account only comes into picture for document splitting during allocaiton


3) Create Actual Distribution Cycle


T code: FAGLGA31


Menu Path     IMG>Financial Accounting (New) > General ledger Accounting (New) > Periodic Processing > Allocation > Create Actual Distribution


Fill out the following fields:


Field Name





Ledger for which the Distribution Cycle is valid



Cycle Name

Start Date


Date from which the cycle is valid

Copy From



Reference Cycle Ledger



Reference Cycle

Start Date


Validity Date of Reference Cycle


Press ‘Enter’.



Field Name





Cycle Description

Ledger Group


If you specify a ledger group here, the function is executed for all ledgers belonging to this ledger group.




Controls whether iterative sender/receiver relationships are considered when this cycle is processed. The iteration is repeated until each sender is fully credited (a small remainder may be left over in some cases).



If you execute a cycle with the cumulative indicator set to active, then the sender amounts posted up to the current period are allocated based on tracing factors, which are cumulated from period 1 onwards. In the current period, the allocation amounts determined are posted less the amounts allocated in the previous periods. In that case the allocation should be made using the sender rule "Posted amounts" and the receiver rule "Variable portions".

Field Groups

Actual Quantities


Select this field if The quantities are also distributed

Actual Transaction Currency


If this field is selected, the transaction currencies originally posted are distributed.

Preset Selection Criteria

Company Code


Company code for which the cycle is valid








Field Name



Segment name


Segment Description

Lock Indicator


Select this box if it is not required to process this segment during Cycle Execution

Sender Values

Sender Rule


Posted Amounts/Fixed Amounts/Fixed Rates

Share in %


Determines what percentage of the Sender value should be allocated. Default value is 100%

Actual Values/Plan Values


Select one of these depending on whether the segment is for allocating Actual Values or Plan Values

Receiver Tracing Factor

Receiver Rule


Determines on what basis the values are allocated to Receiver

Select the Tab ‘Senders/Receivers’



Field Name





Maintain the Sender values here. It is possible to maintain individual values or Range or Sets.



Maintain the Sender values here. It is possible to maintain individual values or Range or Sets.




Click on the Tab ‘Receiver Tracing Factor’. Fields here will be shown depending on the values entered in the tab ‘Senders/Receivers’


Click on ‘Attach Segment’ to add additional segments, Then click on save  to save the complete cycle as well as the segments


4) For Assessment allocation also either Pan/actual, we can define fields in similar way as we define for Distribution

T code GCA1



double click on the individual entry, all fields are explained above, for assessment we need to select the allocation type as "assessment"



The assessment can be again actual and plan, and in above configuration step only we can define plan/actual


5) Create Actual Assessment cycle


The difference between distribution and assessment is, unlike during distribution, the original data is not updated on either the sender side or receiver side.Instead Assessment use one or more assessment accounts set up specifically for this purpose only


T code: FAGLGA11


Field Name



Segment name


Segment Description

Lock Indicator


Select this box if it is not required to process this segment during Cycle Execution

Assessment Account


Enter the designated GL Account, which will be used for making Assessment Postings when the Cycle is executed

Sender Values

Sender Rule


Posted Amounts/Fixed Amounts/Fixed Rates

Share in %


Determines what percentage of the Sender value should be allocated. Default value is 100%

Actual Values/Plan Values


Select one of these depending on whether the segment is for allocating Actual Values or Plan Values

Receiver Tracing Factor

Receiver Rule


Determines on what basis the values are allocated to Receiver


the other settings will remain same, we can select sender, receiver, sender values and receiver tracing factor like we have done in distribution cycle.


T code to create Plan assessment cycle: FAGLGA27

Cycle definition remain same here also


6) Define customer includes for totals tables


This step is required to maintain SKF figures for customer fields like Product. After this configuration, it is possible to define SKF on the customer fields


Define customer includes in total table



give table name



Press enter



"field use" need to ticked if SKF need to be defined for this


Assign customer fields

Enter the application area as ERP_FIN and maintain the field name in transaction table and corrosponding field name in SKF table. This is to do mapping of field names





This ends the relevant customization required for New GL Allocation.




Accounting Editing Options - Document entry - Part -2


This document is the continues of the document titled: Accounting Editing Options - Document entry - Part -1


Fast entry via ISR number

ISR stands for In-payment Slip with Reference number. In Switzerland, a document is send to customers along with the invoice which contains all the details such as the payment that the customer has to make, bank details, the amount to be paid, and a payment reference number.

ISR Procedure Number is provided by Swiss Postal Service to firms based in Switzerland.

Once Fast entry via ISR number indicator is set, entry for the invoices can be done by ISR number. User doesn’t use to give account number. This indicator simplifies entry using a scanner.

ISR Entry with Control Display


This indicator helps, when there are several vendors with the same ISR number but one of them has the ISR subscriber number stored in the master record, then only this vendor is determined.

If this indicator is set, then the account determined via the POR number is also displayed on a selection screen, assuming it is clear, during fast entry via the POR subscriber number.


Figure: 33

Fast entry via ISR number and ISR Entry with Control Display indicators are not checked as of now. In the below screen user is performing entry by FB60 and provided ISR no. and ISR reference no. but system did not picked vendor account no. automatically. (Figure: 35)


Scroll down for ISR Reference.


Figure: 34


Figure: 35


Figure: 36

Fast entry via ISR number and ISR Entry with Control Display indicators are checked now. In the below screen user is performing entry by FB60 and provided ISR no. and ISR reference no. and system picked vendor account no. automatically. (Figure: 37)



Figure: 37




Figure: 38



Do not update control totals


Figure: 39

Control total is used to verify the documents are posted correctly or not. While selecting this indicator control total will not get updated. For example control total is 500 RON for vendor (Account type- K) maintained in the system.


Figure: 40

We have posted 200 RON document and checked the balance, while indicator was not set, balance become 300 RON (Figure: 41).


Figure: 41


We have posted 100 RON document and checked the balance, while indicator was set, balance is 300 RON (Figure: 42), which is same. This is not updated.


Figure: 42



Automatic Negative Posting



Figure: 43

This indicator helps to post negative posting for automatically triggered accounts or for batch input sessions for user. For example G/L account no. 411010 (Tax account) in company code R001 has 12.828,92 RON debit balance for period 6 (Figure: 44).


Figure: 44

After reversal posting amount got reduced from the debit balance instead of credit posting. (Figure: 45)


Figure: 45



Default document currency



Figure: 46

As per above screen, User can define default currency for the document by using Local currency, last document currency used and none option.

Local Currency

When someone selects Local currency option then system will pick currency as per Co. code’s local currency. In the below example Local currency for DE01 co. code is EUR so system picked EUR.


Figure: 47



Last document Currency Used

When someone selects Last document Currency Used option then system will suggest currency as per last document posted. In the below example last document was posted in USD so system picks USD for Co. Code DE01 as per last document posted.



Figure: 48


When someone selects none option then system will not pick any currency and User has to fill that option. In the below example Currency option comes blank.


Figure: 49



Default Company Code

No Company Code Proposal

This option is used to suppress the proposal of a Company Code. For example once check is there then no Company Code will be displayed (Figure: 51) or vice versa (Figure: 52). This option is very useful to them, who have to enter document in several different Company Codes.


Figure: 50


Figure: 51


Figure: 52


Screen templates and line layout variant for document entry

Screen templates and layout is used to control settings of screens as which fields are displayed and/or ready for input during entry / fast entry. User can define screen templates and layout as per requirement. In this tab User can select screen templates and layout, which are defined in the system for the different screens.

Example: G/L account items fast entry – Various variants are defined in the system for G/L account items fast entry as per (figure: 53).


Figure: 53

First we select screen variant as UK001 as per figure:54 and we can check the settings for this variant by SPRO==>IMG ==>Financial Accounting==>General Ledger Accounting ==>Business Transactions ==>G/L Account Posting==>Make and Check Document Settings==>maintain Fast Entry Screens for G/L Account Items (Figure:55)

Once UK001 is selected then, while posting screen (figure: 56) comes and when we select screen variant as SAP01 (Settings for this variant’s screen- Figure: 57) screen Figure: 58 comes. One can notice that there is difference between Figure (56) and Figure (59)




Figure: 54



Figure: 55


Figure: 56


Figure: 57


Figure: 58


Figure: 59







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